Certified Court Reporters


Serving the New Orleans and surrounding parishes for over 20 years with qualified board-certified machine shorthand court reporters.  Alliance is ready to serve our clients' needs with exceptional service, whether in New Orleans, Southern Louisiana or beyond - even virtually. 





Alliance strives to deliver quality court reporting services by keeping up with the latest technology and statutes pertaining to court reporters.   We deliver the personal service you expect when scheduling your depositions, arbitrations, hearings, meetings, etc.  Complimentary Conference Room available at our office in New Orleans with refreshments and free parking.

Have a Question?  Contact Us!


         Lainey Margavio, CCR   ~ Terri Wenning, RPR, CCR

4919 Canal St, Suite 303, New Orleans, LA 70119

     (504)488-6624    ~   Fax (504)488-7573          www.